OUR Dream: An Accessible Home for our Seniors

Many of our members have been part of the Envision family for decades. During that time, they have become accustomed to having choices, and experiencing independence, and inclusion. We want them to continue having a life experience that is full of possibilities.

For many years, we have dreamed of having a fully accessible ADA-compliant home for our older members. Andreas Mueller’s generous donation of a lovely corner lot in the city was an encouraging sign that we could fulfill that dream. Commercial-grade, accessible group homes cost more than $1 million, so we launched a capital campaign to raise the necessary funds.

We did not anticipate the unprecedented response from the construction industry and private donors. They have warmed our hearts and inspired us to move forward with all deliberate speed. After viewing the architectural renderings below, you will understand why we are so excited about building this home to serve Envision’s seniors, now and for years to come.